

Arizona Jewish Theatre Company

Arizona Central: Phoenix - United States


Fri 27 Apr 2007
2006 Ma Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Ja Fe MaApril 2007Ma Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Ja Fe Ma 2008


Bluish Fri 4/27 Phoenix AJTC


April 2007

Friday 27 April 2007


Fri 27 Apr, 8 pm. 444 W. Camelback Rd., Phoenix, 85013. Janet Arnold, (602)264-0402, info@azjewishtheatre.org. 31. Arizona Jewish Theatre Company - [events]

by Janece Shaffer This contemporary comedy explores issues of identity and what makes us who we are--whether that’s genetics, personal history or our faith. The play follows Beth Richardson who discovers, after a comfortable life of Santa Claus, supper clubs, and Easter bonnets, that she was born Jewish. Contemplating Torah, Tevya and tefillin, Beth’s journey for identity and faith inspires those around her to reconsider what they believe and how they practice those beliefs. A recent sell-out hit at the Alliance Theatre in Atlanta.
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