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Smokey Joe’s Café

Smokey Joe’s Café Sat 3/31 West Orange Jewish Commu


March 2007

Saturday 31 March 2007

Smokey Joe’s Café

Sat 31 Mar, 9 pm. 760 Northfield Avenue, West Orange, 07052. Michael Hopkins, 973-530-3400, mhopkins@jccmetrowest.org. Jewish Community Center Metrowest - [events]

Leiber and Stoller virtually invented rock ‘n roll and now their songs provide electrifying entertainment that illuminates a golden age of American culture. In an idealized 50’s setting, the classic themes of love won, lost, and imagined blend with hilarious set-pieces and slice-of-life emotions. Featuring some of the greatest songs ever recorded, Smokey JOE’S CAFE is great pop music and compelling musical theater.
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