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What is Jewish Humor?

What is Jewish Humor? Sun 5/20 Berkeley BRJCC


May 2007

Sunday 20 May 2007

What is Jewish Humor?

Sun 20 May. 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley, 94709. Joel Bashevkin, 510-848-0237, joelb@brjcc.org. Berkeley Richmond Jewish Community Center - [events]

Great Jewish Comics of the Past 75 Years with Steve Budd This scintillating revue of Jewish humor combines performance and lecture. In the performance portions, Steve Budd delivers standup routines and jokes of well-known Jewish comedians like Jerry Seinfeld, Paul Reiser, Jackie Mason, Woody Allen, Jack Benny, and the Marx Brothers. In the lecture portion, he address the history of Jewish comedians in America, consider the reasons for their popularity, and provide some answers to the question, "What makes Jewish humor Jewish?" Sunday, May 20, 1pm –with Steve Budd $5
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