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Doina Meets Taksim

Doina Meets Taksim Sun 12/02 Amherst NYBC


December 2007

Sunday 2 December 2007

Doina Meets Taksim

Sun 2 Dec. 1021 West Street, Amherst, 01002. Laura Sheppard-Brick, 413-256-4900, yiddish@bikher.org. National Yiddish Book Center - [events]

Sunday, December 2nd - Concert Two bands, Klezamir and XOPO, come together to offer a unique perspective on klezmer music: its relationship to gypsy and other Eastern European folk music styles. Doina is a Yiddish word which refers to a long improvised solo; taksim is the word used in Balkan music for the same thing. Join musicians Joe Blumentha, Jim Armenti, Amy Rose, Keith Levreault, Jason Moses, Becky Ashenden, Anna Patton, Maimon Miller, Chuck Corman, and Barbara Blumenthal on this musical exploration. Reservations suggested. 2:00 P.M. Cost: $8
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