

December 2008

Friday 12 December 2008

Hadassah Southern California

Fri 12 Dec. 4950 Murphy Canyon Road, San Diego, 92123. (858) 571-3444, fedujf@ujfsd.org. Jewish Federation of San Diego County - [events]

Friday – December 12, 2008 – Time – TBA – Hadassah Shabbat On Board The USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) Enjoy a unique Shabbat service while the super-carrier is in port. The service will include the ship’s 300 year-old Torah that survived the Holocaust. Open to the community. RSVP necessary: 858.552.9200. We Are Looking For You. If you are a woman in your 50s or 60s who lives in North County Coastal area, be part of a dynamic new Hadassah group forming in your area. Call to hear about our exciting plans/programs. Doreen Prager, Membership Specialist, 858.552.9200 or dpragerc.
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