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A Year With Frog and Toad


March 2007

Sunday 11 March 2007

A Year With Frog and Toad

Sun 11 Mar, 2 pm. 760 Northfield Avenue, West Orange, 07052. Michael Hopkins, 973-530-3400, mhopkins@jccmetrowest.org. 14. Jewish Community Center Metrowest - [events]

Arnold Lobel’s well-loved characters hop from the page to the stage as we follow two great friends, the cheerful and popular Frog and the grumpy Toad, through four fun-filled seasons. Waking from hibernation in the spring, they plant gardens, swim, rake leaves and go sledding, learning life lessons along the way, including a most important one about friendship and rejoicing in the attributes that make each of us different and special.
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