February 2007
Friday 9 February 2007
Fri 9 Feb. One Financial Center, 40th Floor, Boston, 02111. Steven Greenberg, Director, 617-523-2324, steven@bcjh.org. Boston Center for Jewish Heritage - [events]
While much of the HOH/Vilna Shul community has European roots, few of us have any connection to contemporary Jewish life in Europe. Our speaker in February, Dr. Jonathan Laurence, will attempt to bridge the gap. Professor of Political Science at Boston College, Jonathan is a member of our community whose academic specialty is religious minorities in contemporary Europe. He is the author of the recently released book Integrating Islam: Political and Religious Challenges in Contemporary France (Brookings Institution Press). He will discuss the state of Jewish life today in Europe, including the future for young Jews and for Europe's rapidly-growing Muslim communities. The service and speaker will be followed by a light kosher Shabbat dinner. Havurah on the