
Genealogy Day

Jewish Museum of Maryland

Maryland: Baltimore - United States

History: archeology

Mon 7 May 2007
2006 Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Ja Fe Ma ApMay 2007Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Ja Fe Ma Ap 2008

Genealogy Day

Genealogy Day Mon 5/07 Baltimore Jewish Museu


May 2007

Monday 7 May 2007

Genealogy Day

Mon 7 May, 1-3 pm. 15 Lloyd Street, Baltimore. Lauren Silberman, 410-732-6400 ext. 29. Jewish Museum of Maryland - [email][events]

Ages 8 and up Explore your roots at the JMM's Robert L. Weinberg's Family History Center . Receive an introduction to genealogy research and our collections. Begin a family tree, learn how to conduct oral histories, and learn the tools of the trade as you practice researching actual immigrants to Baltimore.
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