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Meet the Rabbi

Meet the Rabbi Tue 9/18 Springfield Springfield


September 2007

Tuesday 18 September 2007

Meet the Rabbi

Tue 18 Sep. 1160 Dickinson St, Springfield, 01108. Mark Dindas, Executive Director, 413 739-4715, mdindas@springfieldjcc.org. Springfield Jewish Community Center - [events]

Tuesday Sep 18, 2007, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Help us welcome our new Rabbi. Rabbi Micah Becker-Klein comes to us from Congregation Ahavas Achim in Keene, NH where he has served as rabbi since 2001. His rabbinic style includes music- he plays a guitar, mandolin and percussion, sings and composes. His goals for the JCC are to help maintain a Jewish focus in the life of the JCC and to bring an awareness of Jewish community throughout the Pioneer Valley. Associated Program: Seniors
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