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High Button Shoes

High Button Shoes Thu 8/23 Springfield Springfield


August 2007

Thursday 23 August 2007

High Button Shoes

Thu 23 Aug, 8:30 am-6 pm. 1160 Dickinson St, Springfield, 01108. Mark Dindas, Executive Director, 413 739-4715, mdindas@springfieldjcc.org. Springfield Jewish Community Center - [events]

Thursday Aug 23, 2007, 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM The stage bursts with bathing beauties and fraternity brothers, Keystone Kops chasing madcap robbers, and even dancing gorilla as High Button Shoes takes a peek back at the Model T era. This lively and lovable musical tells the story of a fast-talking conman who returns to his old hometown witht the hopes of striking it rich. Based on the novel The Sisters Liked Them Handsome by Stephen Longstreet. Associated Program: Seniors
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