

April 2008

Sunday 13 April 2008

Map It.: Family History and Archival Exploration Day

Sun 13 Apr. 15 Lloyd Street, Baltimore. Lauren Silberman, 410-732-6400 ext. 29, info@jewishmuseummd.org. Jewish Museum of Maryland - [events]

Sunday, April 13, 2008 1:00-4:00p.m. Be a sleuth for a day. Learn from the experts how to uncover evidence of the past through historic maps and official records, letters, personal mementos, photographs, material objects, and oral histories. “Meet” some of the colorful personalities who have lived in the historic neighborhood surrounding the Museum and then use your newfound skills to learn about your own neighborhood. This program is supported by the Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance. JMM Families: $5.00; non-Member families $10.00
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