
Iraq’s Last Jews

Boston Center for Jewish Heritage

Massachusetts East: Boston - United States

History: archeology

Fri 16 Jan 2009
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Iraq’s Last Jews


January 2009

Friday 16 January 2009

Iraq’s Last Jews

Fri 16 Jan, 7-10 pm. Vilna Shul, 18 Phillips Street, Boston, 02114. Steven Greenberg, Director, 617 523 2324, steven@bcjh.org. 18 Donation. Boston Center for Jewish Heritage - [events]

Contact: info Following a brief service, we will hear from our speaker, Tamar Morad, co-editor of the new book “Iraq’s Last Jews,” an oral history anthology. A journalist by training, Morad has worked for the Wall Street Journal, Jerusalem Post, Ha’aretz, and NPR. Now based in Boston, she traveled around the world collecting personal stories for the new book, including testimony from one woman who personally confronted Saddam Hussein in the 1970s in a desperate attempt to free her jailed husband. Morad will share some of these remarkable stories, discuss the last generation of Iraqi Jewry, and explore the factors behind the disappearance of this 2,500-year-old community.
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