

April 2009

Friday 17 April 2009

Havurah on the Hill Shabbat

Fri 17 Apr, 7 pm. Vilna Shul, 18 Phillips Street, Boston, 02114. Steven Greenberg, Director, 617 523 2324, steven@bcjh.org. Boston Center for Jewish Heritage - [events]

Friday, April 17, 2009 7:00 pm Location: The Vilna Shul 18 Phillips Street Boston, MA 02114 Contact: Rachel 617-523-2324 rachel Suggested Donation: $10 or whatever you can afford To Register: Click Here View RSVPs: Click Here Event Description: Join us for a lay-led, non-denominational Kabbalat Shabbat service. After the service our guest speaker, Nancy Falchuk, the National President of Hadassah, will speak about the struggles and successes of the largest volunteer organization and the largest women’s organization in America. Following the speaker please stay for a kosher buffet dinner in the historic sanctuary.
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