Who Do You Think You Are? Mon 11/03 West Orange Jewish Commu


November 2008

Monday 3 November 2008

Who Do You Think You Are?

Mon 3 Nov, 12:30 pm. 760 Northfield Avenue, West Orange, 07052. Michael Hopkins, 973-530-3400, mhopkins@jccmetrowest.org. Jewish Community Center Metrowest - [events]

Alyse Myers Who Do You Think You Are? A Memoir Monday, November 3 • 12:30pm Free This program is brought to you in honor of Molly Burack, a beloved JCC volunteer for over 30 years, through the generosity of her children. It is the first of the Molly Burack Lectures in Literature. At the heart of this memoir is a compelling mystery unraveling profound and poignant revelations about the life of a 1960s Jewish family living in Queens. No matter what your relationship with your own mother is or was like, this book will stay with you long after you put it down. Author Alyse Myers is Vice President, Brand Programs for the New York Times.
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