Israeli Dancing at Hillel Thu 10/15 Santa Barbara Bronfman Fam


October 2009

Thursday 15 October 2009

Israeli Dancing at Hillel

Thu 15 Oct, 6:30-9:30 pm. 524 Chapala St, Santa Barbara, 93101. Shelly Katz, 805-957-1115 x111, skatz@sbjf.org. Bronfman Family JCC/Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara - [events]

Contemporary Israeli Dance is a combination of Jewish and early Israeli folk dances, Middle Eastern dances (including belly dancing), Salsa and Hip Hop. Learn this unique and yet ecclectic style of dance for FREE every week. 6;30-7:30 Beginners' Workshop Series Learn basic Israeli dance terminology and patterns as well as some fun and easy dances 7:30-9:30 Class continues with Open Dancing that gets increasingly more challenging as the night goes on, and includes teaching of intermediate level dances. All levels are welcome and encouraged to stay for this part of the class. Time: 06:30 PM to 09:30 PM Location: Santa Barbara Hillel, 781 Embarcadero Del Mar, Isla Vista, CA, 93117, Phone: 805-968-1280,
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