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Seekers of Happiness

Seekers of Happiness Sun 10/25 Amherst NYBC


October 2009

Sunday 25 October 2009

Seekers of Happiness

Sun 25 Oct, 2 pm. 1021 West Street, Amherst, 01002. Laura Sheppard-Brick, 413-256-4900, yiddish@bikher.org. 6. National Yiddish Book Center - [events]

Sunday, October 25th - Film During the late 1920s, many Jews searching for a better life made their way to Birobidzhan, the Soviet Jewish Autonomous Region on the Chinese border. This 1934 Russian melodrama portrays the experiences of a family on a collective farm in Birobidzhan. (84 min.; Russian w/ English subtitles; restored by the National Center for Jewish Film at Brandeis University) 2 PM Cost: $6
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