March 2008
Sunday 30 March 2008
Sun 30 Mar. 5700 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, 21215. Robin RoseSamuels, 410.542.4900, x271. Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore - [email][events]
Location and Time: Tour departs from Weinberg Park Heights JCC 1:30-4:30pm Cost: $12 (includes tour, bus and snacks); Children under 13 are FREE For More Information Contact: Eileen Berman, 410.356.1661 or eberman
The Baltimore Jewish community has a rich history that has traversed centuries and neighborhoods. Whether you are a newcomer to our city or you just want to learn more about our Baltimore Jewish ancestry, join us for this enlightening afternoon tour that will include stops at:
• Lloyd Street & B’nai Israel Synagogues and the Jewish Museum
• Holocaust Memorial
• Eutaw Street department store buildings once owned by Jewish businessmen
• Eutaw Place remaining turn of the century magnificent synagogues and mansions
• Druid Hill Park and a mini-tour of Shaarei Tfiloh synagogue.