

March 2008

Sunday 30 March 2008

Shalom Baltimore Tour of Jewish Baltimore

Sun 30 Mar. 5700 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, 21215. Robin RoseSamuels, 410.542.4900, x271. Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore - [email][events]

Location and Time: Tour departs from Weinberg Park Heights JCC 1:30-4:30pm Cost: $12 (includes tour, bus and snacks); Children under 13 are FREE For More Information Contact: Eileen Berman, 410.356.1661 or eberman

The Baltimore Jewish community has a rich history that has traversed centuries and neighborhoods. Whether you are a newcomer to our city or you just want to learn more about our Baltimore Jewish ancestry, join us for this enlightening afternoon tour that will include stops at:
• Lloyd Street & B’nai Israel Synagogues and the Jewish Museum
• Holocaust Memorial
• Eutaw Street department store buildings once owned by Jewish businessmen
• Eutaw Place remaining turn of the century magnificent synagogues and mansions
• Druid Hill Park and a mini-tour of Shaarei Tfiloh synagogue.
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