

April 2008

Wednesday 16 April 2008

Hand-On-Holidays Passover Party

Wed 16 Apr. 5700 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, 21215. Robin RoseSamuels, 410.542.4900, x271. Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore - [email][events]

Location and Time: Weinberg Park Heights JCC 10:30 - 11:30 am Cost: $5/JCC M family; $8/NM family For More Information Contact: Sharon or Linda, 410.356.5200, x347 or parenting Celebrate Passover with songs, arts & crafts, stories, and more. Enjoy yummy Passover treats and matzah, and create a holiday craft to use at the seder meal. Ideal for families with babies and toddlers up to age 3. Siblings are welcome.
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