

May 2009

Thursday 14 May 2009

Jewish Film Festival - The Monster Among Us

Thu 14 May. 5700 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, 21215. Robin RoseSamuels, 410.542.4900, x271. Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore - [email][events]

Location and Time: Beth El Congregation 7:30pm Cost: Tickets $9/person/film, available at both JCC Cashier’s desks. The 21st Annual William and Irene Weinberg Family Baltimore Jewish Film Festival The Monster Among Us United States, 2008; Directors, Allen Mondell and Cynthia Salzman Mondell English, 71 minutes

Tonight's film is a riveting and provocative documentary The Monster Among Us is a timely exposé of modern anti-Semitism in six major European countries. How truly severe is the situation? How serious are the incidents in Paris, London, Amsterdam, Brussels? Is the large influx of Muslims and radical Muslims in European societies solely responsible? What do we see in the media, on university campuses, in political demonstrations, and on the internet? The more the stories and facts are featured in the film, the more questions come to mind and the more we search for answers.
You will not want to miss this engaging and controversial film and the fiery panel discus¬sion to follow.
*Screening at Beth El, 8101 Park Heights Avenue, Pikesville, MD
Not part of the STAR Series

Honored Guest Speaker: Allen Mondell, filmmaker and Director
Panelists: Rabbi Steven Schwartz, Beth El Congregation and Kenneth Moss, Johns Hopkins University
This film is made possible in part through the generosity of Linda and Jerry Mondell.

Under the Auspices of the William & Irene Weinberg Family Baltimore Jewish Film Festival.
The JCC and TCI-Jewish Resources and Culture for Independent Schools Present

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