
Movement at the Mills

Boston Center for the Arts

Massachusetts East: Boston - United States

Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Tap - Dance

Fri 6 May 2011
2010 Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Ja Fe Ma ApMay 2011Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Ja Fe Ma Ap 2012

Movement at the Mills


May 2011

Friday 6 May 2011

Movement at the Mills

Fri 6 May, 6-9 pm. 539 Tremont Street, Boston, 02116. 617.426.5000, info@bcaonline.org. Boston Center for the Arts - [events]

Movement at the Mills is an exhibition of movement by three prominent Boston dance companies. Performances occur on three stages throughout the evening. Audience members are invited to walk through the Mills Gallery and observe various styles of dance as artwork. 2010-2011 Movement at the Mills season: March 4, 2011 6 - 9 pm May 6, 2011 6 - 9 pm
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