March 2007
Tuesday 20 March 2007
Tue 20 Mar. 411 E Clinton Ave, Tenafly. 201·569·7900. Jewish Community Center on the Palisades - [email][events]
Women's Rosh Chodesh: Women in Samson’s Life: Mrs. Manoach & Delilah Department: Judaic & Israel Location and Time: JCC on the Palisades 7:30 pm Cost: Single Sessions: $15 JCC members $18 nonmembers For More Information Contact: Lynn Werner x204 lwerner A Monthly Celebration for Women Led by Rabbi Adina Lewittes
The Rosh Chodesh group meets once a month - on or close to the first day of the Hebrew month - to celebrate the New Moon with refreshing, stimulating discussion and warm fellowship. Rabbi Adina Lewittes is a creative and knowledgeable teacher and is eager to share her Torah insights with you. Don't miss these special evenings set aside for Jewish women!
Lesser Known Women of the Bible: Explore the identities, personalities and legacies of women in the Bible whose presence in the tradition is fleeting. Use biblical texts, ancient and modern midrashim, medieval commentary, contemporary prose and poetry, and other literary and artistic sources, to paint a detailed portrait of these women. Learn what these heroines can teach us.