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Fall Prevention

Fall Prevention Wed 6/06 Baltimore JCC


June 2007

Wednesday 6 June 2007

Fall Prevention

Wed 6 Jun. 5700 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, 21215. Robin RoseSamuels, 410.542.4900, x271. Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore - [email][events]

Jun 6, 2007 Department: Adults Location and Time: Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC 11:00 am Cost: FREE For More Information Contact: Lisa Shifren, 410.542.4900, x249 or email lshifren Falls can cause devastating disability amongst seniors. Dr. Roberta Newton PhD from Temple University has teamed up with Visiting Angels to share her research on the significance of fall prevention. From the minute you leave the seminar you can enforce the lessons you learned, and when you get home you can go through a checklist on how to fall-proof your home. Save yourself or someone you love from a preventable fall and potential hardship.
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