Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Tap - Dance
Tue 27 Nov 2001
November 2001
Tuesday 27 November 2001
Tue 27 Nov, 8-10 pm. 19 Clarendon Street, Boston, 02116-6100. 617-456-6295, Boston Dance Alliance - [events]
Featuring Laura Pudwell & Douglas Williams At New England Conservatory's Jordan Hall (30 Gainsborough Street Boston, MA) Saturday, November 27 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm Sunday, November 28 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm Boston Early Music Festival Chamber Opera Series presents Dido and Aeneas. Purcell's landmark opera vividly recounts the lovers joy and ill-fate leading to Dido's famous dying lament. singers, lavish costumes, baroque dance, and the three-time Grammy-nominated BEMF Chamber ensemble. Featuring Baroque dancers Caroline Copeland and Carlos Fittante. Posted By: Boston Early Music Festival Ticket Information: Ticket/Admission Price :$112., $59., $44., $34. Reservation Info :617-661-1812 Reservation Phone :617-661-1812 Contact Website :