
What to expect the first time you join us Thursday nights

You will enjoy learning from this friendly, encouraging group.

We will teach you dances from many different countries, among them Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Romania, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, the United States and more.

Thursday nights with us will be a new experience for you, one which will expand your horizons.

Wear comfortable sport or tennis shoes.

New Dancers

New dancers are always welcome. No experience and no partner needed. Most of the dances are done in circles or lines.

We may do a few partner dances during the evening, but you do not need a partner. Everyone takes turns dancing with everyone else. If you have a partner, you can just dance with your partner, if you want.

If you are new to folk dancing, come right at the beginning. You are still welcome to come whenever you can.

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