

June 2007

Sunday 24 June 2007

Everyday Holiness with Rebbe Souls & Alan Morinis

Sun 24 Jun, 6:30 pm. 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley, 94709. Joel Bashevkin, 510-848-0237, joelb@brjcc.org. Berkeley Richmond Jewish Community Center - [events]

THE BREW: A monthly music series The multi-talented Rebbe Soul seamlessly meshes his unique sound with a bevy of musical influences from around the world. Drawing on sources from Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East, he effortlessly bridges jazz, rock, folk, and hip-hop. Rebbe Soul will perform in an acoustic trio and Alan Morinis will work on the themes of Mussar with material from his new book, "Everyday Holiness." Co-Sponsor: Jewish Music Festival Saturday, June 24, 6:30pm $12 members, $15 general public
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