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Backcountry Canoe Trip

Backcountry Canoe Trip Sun 7/15 Frontenac Provincial Park Mos


July 2007

Sunday 15 July 2007

Backcountry Canoe Trip

Sun 15 Jul to Fri 20 Jul. Frontenac Provincial Park. Brenlee, 800-mosaics (667-2427), canoechick@sympatico.ca. Mosaic Outdoor Clubs of America - [events]

Enjoy four nights/five days in Frontenac Provincial Park, plus one day/night at Petroglyph Provincial Park.'ll be leaving Sunday morning with Sunday night at a car accessible campground, then 4 nights out- tripping in Frontenac Park. We will return to Toronto late evening Friday July 20. Frontenac Park is approx 3 hours drive from Toronto. Participants must take part in two pre-trip conference calls on June 6 and June 20. must take part in two pre-trip conference calls on June 6 and June 20. by June 1 with deposit of $150. Anticipated total cost of 5 nights $280 Cdn. Excluding gas expenses. No refunds after July 1. more information and to indicate your interest please contact us in advance.
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