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Salmon Sunday Blues

Salmon Sunday Blues Sun 1/28 Springfield Springfield


January 2007

Sunday 28 January 2007

Salmon Sunday Blues

Sun 28 Jan, 12:30-3 pm. 1160 Dickinson St, Springfield, 01108. Mark Dindas, Executive Director, 413 739-4715, mdindas@springfieldjcc.org. Springfield Jewish Community Center - [events]

Learn how to cook and enjoy salmon four different and creative ways. Eat healthy while entertaining elegantly. Participants will have the opportunity to sample menu items. Menu: Roasted sweet & spicy barbecued salmon, pecan & herb crusted salmon with aioli & salsa, slow roasted salmon with creamed cucumbers and a knockout presentation of salmon florentine en croute. Cost: $50 members, $60 non-members
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