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Ordinary Lives

Ordinary Lives Mon 4/23 Newport Rhode Island


April 2007

Monday 23 April 2007

Ordinary Lives

Mon 23 Apr. 96 Second Street, Newport, 02903. 401-861-4445, info@film-festival.org. Rhode Island International Film Festival - [events]

APRIL 23rd University OF RHODE Island Feinstein Campus, 80 Washington ST, Providence (401 277-5264 7:00 pm "Ordinary Lives" (33 mins.) Directed by Sheetal Agarwal, HONG KONG/Mumbai A documentary set in a slum in Mumbai, with the lives of a family of ten living in a 180 square feet shack at its center. The documentary attempts to highlight the social, cultural, infrastructure and political issues that affect the lives of ordinary people in Mumbai and their juxtaposition with the efforts to make Mumbai a modern city.
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