January 2007
Saturday 13 January 2007
Sat 13 Jan, 7-9 pm. Join us the 2nd and 4th Saturday nights of each month, unless otherwise notified, for International Folk Dancing. Dance Unlimited, 211 W Cervantes Street, Pensacola, 32501. Georgeanna Presnell, 850-492-3956, prsnlassc@aol.com. Pensacola Florida International Folk Dancers - [rlwalker][events]
Saturday 27 January 2007
Sat 27 Jan, 7-9 pm. Join us the 2nd and 4th Saturday nights of each month, unless otherwise notified, for International Folk Dancing. Dance Unlimited, 211 W Cervantes Street, Pensacola, 32501. Georgeanna Presnell, 850-492-3956, prsnlassc@aol.com. Pensacola Florida International Folk Dancers - [rlwalker][events]