May 2007
Sunday 20 May 2007
Sun 20 May, 1-4 pm. Huron Parkway Nature Area, Ann Arbor, 48105. Outreach Coordinator, 734.996.3266, nap@ci.ann-arbor.mi.us. Natural Area Preservation Division - [events]
We're roaming the hills looking for garlic mustard. Help us find it and pull it up. Pulling invasive garlic mustard makes room for native plants like may apple and Dutchman's breeches. We'll meet at the Park Steward's house-3470 Woodland Road, off East Huron River Drive. You are welcome to park in the driveway if there's room, if not park in the street. Please wear long pants and closed-toe shoes. Minors must either be accompanied by a guardian or contact NAP in advance to obtain a release form.