Torah Classes: Med and Munch Mon 12/03 Gainesville Chabad


December 2007

Monday 3 December 2007

Torah Classes: Med and Munch

Mon 3 Dec, 12-1 pm. Room 1228, Shands Hospital, UF Campus, Gainesville, 32603. Rabbi Berl Goldman, Director, 352-336-5877, lubavitchuf@aol.com. Lubavitch-Chabad Jewish Student and Community Center - [events]

Discover Judaism's contributions to health care, from the sages of the Talmud & Maimonides, to modern medical advancements. What is the vital role of the physician as a messenger of God in the healing process. With Kosher lunch. Join project of Jewish Gator Graduate Association. Presented by Rabbir Berl and guest MD.
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