

September 2007

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Rosh Hashana Adult/Teen Service

Wed 12 Sep, 7:30 pm-9 am. Join our Humanistic Jewish congregation for our Rosh Hashana evening service. Guests welcome. No tickets required. First Parish UU Church, 630 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington 02476. Shari Gelber, 617-969-4596. Free. Donations. Kahal B'raira - Congregation for Humanistic Judaism - [kahalbraira][email][events]

Thursday 13 September 2007

Rosh Hashana Morning Family Service

Thu 13 Sep, 10 am. Family service- adults and children welcome. No tickets required. First Parish UU Church, 630 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, 02476. Shari Gelber, 617-969-4596. Free. Donations. Kahal B'raira - Congregation for Humanistic Judaism - [kahalbraira][email][events]

Friday 21 September 2007

Yom Kippur Adult/Teen Kol Nidre Service

Fri 21 Sep, 7:30 pm. Humanistic Judaism congregation Adult/Teen evening service. Public welcome. No tickets required. First Parish UU Church, 630 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, 02138. Shari Gelber, 617-969-4596. Free. Donations. Kahal B'raira - Congregation for Humanistic Judaism - [kahalbraira][email][events]

Saturday 22 September 2007

Yom Kippur Family Service

Sat 22 Sep. Join our Humanistic Judaism congregation for a family-friendly Yom Kippur service. First Parish UU Church, 630 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, 02476. Shari Gelber, 617-969-4596. Free. Donations. Kahal B'raira - Congregation for Humanistic Judaism - [kahalbraira][email][events]

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