History: archeology
Sun 13 Apr 2008
April 2008
Sunday 13 April 2008
Sun 13 Apr, 2-4 pm. 15 Lloyd Street, Baltimore. Lauren Silberman, 410-732-6400 ext. 29. Free. Jewish Museum of Maryland - [email][events]
Meet local Yiddish expert and historian Sylvia Schildt, author of Brownsville: The Jewish Years. Ms. Schildt will recapture a cherished moment in Jewish American life as she speaks about growing up in an immigrant neighborhood in Brooklyn where Yiddish was spoken at home, on the street, in the store, and even on the radio. Ms. Schildt's book will be available for purchase at the event. This program is co-sponsored by Baltimore Hebrew University and Chizuk Amuno Congregation and is part of "On the Same Page - Baltimore." The program will take place at Baltimore Hebrew University, 5800 Park Heights Avenue. Reservations: Elaine Eckstein at 410.578.6905 or eeckstein