October 2007
Saturday 6 October 2007
Sat 6 Oct, 9 am-12 pm. Invasive shrubs out compete native spring and summer wildflowers by shading them out. We need many hands to help us get rid of these shrubs in the woodland. Meet at the Greenview Park sign, on Greenview Road, across from Barnard Road. We will provide tools, snacks, and water. Please wear long pants and closed-toe shoes. Minors must be accompanied by a guardian, or contact NAP in advance to obtain a release form. Ann Arbor, 48105. Outreach Coordinator, 734.996.3266. 0. Natural Area Preservation Division - [email][events]
Sunday 7 October 2007
Sun 7 Oct, 1-4 pm. Join Park Steward and Master Gardener, Aunita Erskine, and plant fun flowers in the native plant garden. If there’s time we’ll take a botanical walk through Furstenberg Nature Area. Meet in the Furstenberg parking lot off Fuller Road, across from Huron High School. Workday orientation starts promptly at 1:00 pm. A short nature walk will be held at the end of each workday, time permitting. Please wear pants and closed-toe shoes. Minors must either be accompanied by a guardian or contact NAP in advance to obtain a release form. Ann Arbor, 48105. Outreach Coordinator, 734.996.3266. 0. Natural Area Preservation Division - [email][events]
Saturday 20 October 2007
Sat 20 Oct, 1-4 pm. Fall is for seed collection. Help us gather various grass and flower seed for dispersal in other locations. This park has fun hills and trails through lovely woods. We’ll meet you in front of the park steward’s house at 236 Sunset. Please wear pants and closed-toe shoes. We provide snacks and botanical information. Minors must be accompanied by a guardian, or contact NAP in advance to obtain a release form. Ann Arbor, 48105. Outreach Coordinator, 734.996.3266. 0. Natural Area Preservation Division - [email][events]
Sat 20 Oct, 1-4 pm. At this workday, have your choice of collecting seeds from native plants for dispersal in other parks, or cutting invasive woody plants. Buckthorn and Honeysuckle are shading out many of our native wildflowers. When they are cut out, the native plants come back. We’ll meet you on Eddy Street, off of Verle Avenue. Please wear long pants and closed-toe shoes. Gloves, tools, and snacks provided. Minors must be accompanied by a guardian, or contact NAP in advance to obtain a release form. Ann Arbor, 48105. Outreach Coordinator, 734.996.3266. 0. Natural Area Preservation Division - [email][events]
Sunday 28 October 2007
Sun 28 Oct, 1-4 pm. Join us to learn to identify the seeds of certain native plants as we collect them for planting in other locations. This fun activity is suitable for the whole family. Snacks provided. Please wear long pants and closed-toe shoes. Minors must be accompanied by a guardian, or contact NAP in advance to obtain a release form. Meet at the Barton Dam parking lot on Huron River Drive. Ann Arbor, 48105. Outreach Coordinator, 734.996.3266. 0. Natural Area Preservation Division - [email][events]