

January 2008

Monday 21 January 2008

Surflight Theatre Presents

Mon 21 Jan. 760 Northfield Avenue, West Orange, 07052. Michael Hopkins, 973-530-3400, mhopkins@jccmetrowest.org. Jewish Community Center Metrowest - [events]

Surflight Theatre Presents: Alexander Who is Not, Not, Not, Not, Not Going to Move Monday, January 21, 11:00am (Martin Luther King Day) $12 M/S/S; $16 GP Long Beach Island’s Surflight Theatre presents Alexander, the feisty and loveable star of Judith Viorst's popular children's books. Alexander has a dilemma: his father is starting a new job in a city "a thousand miles away." So while everyone else is packing, Alexander has decided to stay right where he is. In the end, he learns that home is where your family is. A favorite children's book brought to life on stage.
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