

December 2008

Sunday 14 December 2008

JCC Prime Performa Presents, Duo - Stephanie Ho & Saar Ahuvi

Sun 14 Dec. 5700 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, 21215. Robin RoseSamuels, 410.542.4900, x271, ssirkis@jcc.org. Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore - [events]

Department: Arts & Culture Location and Time: The Morstein Performa located at the Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC 3506 Gwynnbrook Avenue Owings Mills,MD 21117 Owings Mills, MD 21117 2:00pm Cost: Tickets for each Performa event: $8/JCC M; $10/NM, available at both JCC Cashier’s desks or at door. Contact: Jon Teter:410.356.5200, x520 Email: performa For more information: click here Internationally-acclaimed Gordon Trust artists,Stephanie Ho and Saar Ahuvia, return to the Performa for a program of Dances, Waltzes and Jazz-inspired compositions by Brahms, De Falla and many more.
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