History: archeology
Thu 2 Oct 2008
October 2008
Thursday 2 October 2008
Thu 2 Oct, 7:45-9 pm. 1160 Dickinson St, Springfield, 01108. Mark Dindas, Executive Director, 413 739-4715, mdindas@springfieldjcc.org. Springfield Jewish Community Center - [events]
Join luminaries, venerated public figures and citizens from across the globe for a multimedia celebration of Elie Wiesel’’s 80th birthday. In an age of conflict and oppression, the Nobel Peace Prize winner’’s message of peach and inherent worth and dignity of all humans grows more relevant, and his mission to honor our collective history and look forward with hope grows more inspiring. With readings, personal reflections and musical perfomances, celebrate the milestone of a man whose victory over death and oppression led to a life of extraordinary contributions to justice and peace.