Terrorists in Retirement Sun 2/01 Amherst NYBC


February 2009

Sunday 1 February 2009

Terrorists in Retirement

Sun 1 Feb, 2 pm. 1021 West Street, Amherst, 01002. Laura Sheppard-Brick, 413-256-4900, yiddish@bikher.org. 6. National Yiddish Book Center - [events]

Sunday, February 1st, 2009 - Film A controversial documentary about the crucial but forgotten role of a group of Yiddish-speaking tailors in the French Resistance, who were often recruited for missions considered too dangerous by other members. Seven of the surviving partisans recall their exploits in this film, narrated by Simone Signoret. (2001; 83 min.) 2pm Cost: $6
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