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Oasis Chanting

Oasis Chanting Sat 5/19 Gainesville P'nai Or Gai


May 2007

Saturday 19 May 2007

Oasis Chanting

Sat 19 May, 10:40 am-12 pm. B'nai Israel - Classroom 3, Gainesville, 32635-8721. Sally Klein, 352-376-3158, info@pnaiorgainesville.org. P'nai Or Gainesville - [events]

Shabbat morning, May 19 -- OASIS chanting brings the spiritual focus of this deep sacred practice to the local community on the 3rd Saturday of each secular month. We gather from 10:40 to 11:00 AM , then we chant from 11:00 to noon. Come join the group as we explore another way to pray. Questions? Call Sally
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