

July 2008

Saturday 26 July 2008

Bluffs Nature Area Stewardship Workday

Sat 26 Jul, 9 am-12 pm. Bluffs Nature Area, Ann Arbor, 48105. Outreach Coordinator, 734.996.3266, nap@ci.ann-arbor.mi.us. Free. Natural Area Preservation Division - [a2gov][events]

Come see the results of persistence in the prairie here as we pull invasive, herbaceous plants. Each year there are fewer. We help with plant identification, and provide all equipment, plus healthy snacks. Good activity for the whole family. We’ll meet you in front of the park steward’s house at 236 Sunset Rd. Please wear pants and closed-toe shoes. Minors must either be accompanied by a guardian or contact NAP in advance to obtain a release form if you would like older children to participate on their own.
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