
The Ritchie Boys

Jewish Museum of Maryland

Maryland: Baltimore - United States


Sun 6 Apr 2008
2007 Ma Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Ja Fe MaApril 2008Ma Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Ja Fe Ma 2009

The Ritchie Boys

The Ritchie Boys Sun 4/06 Baltimore Jewish Museu


April 2008

Sunday 6 April 2008

The Ritchie Boys

Sun 6 Apr. 15 Lloyd Street, Baltimore. Lauren Silberman, 410-732-6400 ext. 29, info@jewishmuseummd.org. Jewish Museum of Maryland - [events]

Sunday April 6 3:30-5:30 p.m. The Ritchie Boys tells the story of a group of young men who fled Nazi Germany and returned to Europe as soldiers in U.S. uniforms. At Camp Ritchie , Maryland , these men—who knew the psychology and the language of the enemy better than anybody else—were trained in intelligence and psychological warfare. Always determined, bright, and inventive, they fought their own kind of war. JMM members: $5.00/non-members: $10.00 Reservations are strongly suggested: 410 - 732 - 6400, ext. 14
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