
Dance Theatre of Harlem National Auditions

Dance Theatre of Harlem

Louisiana: New Orleans, Baton Rouge - United States

Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Tap - Dance

Thu 22 Jan 2009


January 2009

Thursday 22 January 2009

Dance Theatre of Harlem National Auditions

Thu 22 Jan, 6 pm. 466 West 152nd Street, New York, 10031-1814. Laveen Naidu, 212-690-2800, lnaidu@dancetheatreofharlem.org. Dance Theatre of Harlem - [events]

New Orleans, LA New Orleans Center for Creative Arts. Six weeks (7/6 - 8/15) in an unparalleled dance environment with some of the best teachers and coaches in the world • Train with luminaries like Arthur Mitchell, Homer Bryant, Lorraine Graves , Mary Hinkson, Kabby Mitchell and Virginia Johnson, as part of DTH’s Masters & Mentors Series • Attend Broadway shows and visit some of the best museums and galleries in the world • Participate in a culminating performance at DTH’s Harlem Week Presentation • Awards Presentation where Summer Intensive Participants wiil receive a Certificate of Completion

• Minimum three (3) years classical ballet training
• Males & Females ages 8-24
• Audition Fee: $15.00
• Arrive 30 minutes prior to audition
• Pointe shoes required for intermediate and advanced levels
• Intermediate & advanced levels, bring resume and full-body shot
• Placement results are mailed within three weeks of auditions
Tuition and Fees:
Beginner Levels 1 and 2
Intermediate Levels 1 and 2

Intermediate 3

Room and Board not included.
Call 212.690.2800 x421 for more information.

Due April 6, 2009 (non-refundable)
Registration Fee: $35.00
Tuition Deposit: 50%
Room & Board Deposit: 50%.

Due May 4, 2009
Remaining tuition and room & board balance


DTH will offer a very limited number of Housing Scholarships for the 2009 Summer Intensive
A limited number of full and partial scholarships are provided based on merit.
• Supervised accommodations available for students ages 13-17
• Extra curricular activities for evenings and weekends are planned by DTHS and chaperoned
• Unsupervised housing available for students 18 years and older
• For rates and additional information, contact school registrar

On-site treatment and referrals are provided by physical therapists from the Harkness Center for Dance Injuries.

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