July 2008
Sunday 20 July 2008
Sun 20 Jul, 10-11 am. Rhonda Weiss, 718-459-5073, ms.dtp@verizon.net. Dating 4 Marriage - [events]
---Free Teleclass for Marriage-Minded Singles, Mentors, Matchmakers, Clergy, and Parents of Daters--- Sunday Morning, July 20, 2008 at 10 AM (EST) --- Did your intensive courtship campaign fail to win her heart.h to your surprise? --- Did you break up with the woman you were sure you'd marry? --- What went wrong? And, is there still hope? --- Avoid falling into failure configurations of dating. --- Learn the secrets behind male/female pacing differences. --- Get dating velocity management tips from an expert. --- Join me, Malka Schulman, Certified International Relational Coach. --Drop in and discuss your dating and marriage roadblocks. Hear other teleclass attendees with similar concerns and queries. -------Visit
www.4marriage. and --fill out and s