
Mirele Efros

National Yiddish Book Center

Massachusetts Central and West: Amherst - United States

Yiddish - Language

Tue 14 Jul 2009
2008 Au Se Oc No De Ja Fe Ma Ap Ma JuJuly 2009Au Se Oc No De Ja Fe Ma Ap Ma Ju 2010

Mirele Efros

Mirele Efros Tue 7/14 Amherst NYBC


July 2009

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Mirele Efros

Tue 14 Jul, 10 am. 1021 West Street, Amherst, 01002. Laura Sheppard-Brick, 413-256-4900, yiddish@bikher.org. 6. National Yiddish Book Center - [events]

Tuesday, July 14th - Film This sophisticated film version of Jacob Gordin’s stage classic faithfully recreates Jewish life in turn-of-the-century Poland. Berta Gersten is memorable as Mirele, a wealthy, proud widow whose devotion to her children extends to hand-picking a wife for her eldest son. The resulting power struggle between the matriarch and her daughter-in-law for control over family and business explores the complexities of loyalty and pride. (B&W; Yiddish w/ English subtitles; 1939; 80 min.)
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