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Torah at the Tavern

Torah at the Tavern Thu 12/04 Baltimore Jewish Commu


December 2008

Thursday 4 December 2008

Torah at the Tavern

Thu 4 Dec, 6:30 am-7:30 pm. 101 W. Mt. Royal Avenue, Baltimore, 21201. 410-369-9276, prelations@associated.org. Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore - [events]

Join us on the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at Mt. Washington Tavern for Torah at the Tavern. This program is entirely free to attend and, if you RSVP by the Monday before each one, the first round of drinks and appetizers are free too. Please note that there is no Torah at the Tavern in October due to the High Holidays. Expected Attendance: 20 Location: Mt. Washington Tavern, 5700 Newbury Street, Baltimore, MD, 21209, Phone: 410-484-0411, micah www. Contact: Micah Kleid, Phone: 410-484-0411 micah www.
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