

August 2008

Sunday 24 August 2008

Shadchan Tips - Teleclass for Marriage-Minded Singles

Sun 24 Aug, 10-11 am. Participation by Telephone. Rhonda Weiss, 718-459-5073, ms.dtp@verizon.net. Free. Dating 4 Marriage - [dating4marriage][events]

Sunday Morning, August 24, 2008 at 10 AM (EST) Give me one hour of your time and I'll teach you almost all you need to know about: Why, How and When to Engage a Shadchan. To opt in, visit www.4marriage. and fill out and submit the online Teleclass Quick Form on the bottom right of the home page

*How to qualify a shadchan.
*What a shadchan can do for you (that you cannot do for yourself).
*What you can do to help the shadchan.

Join me, Malka Schulman, Certified International Relational Coach.

I'll personally answer your questions, and help you marry the RIGHT ONE!

P.S. Please tell me what you'd most like to hear about. Email your suggestions to mailto:coach@dating4marriage.com

Dating 4 Marriage

Concerned Help for Marriage-Minded Singles, Mentors, Matchmakers, Clergy, and Parents of Daters
(416) 781-9116 ---www.dating4marriage.com

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