
Baltimore '68: Riots and Rebirth

Jewish Museum of Maryland

Maryland: Baltimore - United States

History: archeology

Thu 3 Apr to Sat 5 Apr 2008


April 2008

Thursday 3 April 2008

Baltimore '68: Riots and Rebirth

Thu 3 Apr to Sat 5 Apr. 15 Lloyd Street, Baltimore. Lauren Silberman, 410-732-6400 ext. 29, info@jewishmuseummd.org. Jewish Museum of Maryland - [events]

Conference April 3-5 2008 The University of Baltimore hosts a three-day conference exploring the causes and effects of social unrest in April 1968 and the efforts at civic healing that followed and still continue. Sponsored by the Maryland Humanities Council, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, and Baltimore Collegetown Network, this public conference marks the fortieth anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarly presentations will be accompanied by sessions featuring witnesses to the riots and leaders of efforts to revitalize Baltimore in the months and decades that followed.
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