August 2008
Sunday 17 August 2008
Sun 17 Aug, 10-11 am. Rhonda Weiss, 718-459-5073, ms.dtp@verizon.net. Dating 4 Marriage - [events]
Teleclass for Marriage-Minded Singles--- Join us Sunday Morning, August 17, 2008 at 10 AM (EST) To opt in, visit
www.4marriage. and fill out and submit the online Teleclass Quick Form on the bottom right of the home page Are you convinced that open communication automatically improves the quality of your relationship? ---Well. doesn't. ---Are you wondering what creates closeness and goodwill, while deepening feelings between two people?
Learn how to: *Feel as you communicate *Listen for the meaning behind the message *Assess how well your discussion is progressing *Know when and how not to talk! --
Join me, Malka Schulman, Certified International Relational Coach. --I'll show you how to: Enhance even a bankrupt relationship!
www.dating4marriage.com to opt in. You will receive a confirmation email with your dial-in information.
I'll personally answer your questions, and help you marry the RIGHT ONE!
P.S. Please tell me what you'd most like to hear about. Email your suggestions to mailto:
coach@dating4marriage.com -- Warmly, Malka.
Dating 4 Marriage
Concerned Help for Marriage-Minded Singles, Mentors, Matchmakers, Clergy, and Parents of Daters
(416) 781-9116 ---