

October 2009

Saturday 10 October 2009

Italian Dance of Past, Present and Future

Sat 10 Oct, 7 pm. 19 Clarendon Street, Boston, 02116-6100. 617-456-6295, info@bostondancealliance.org. Boston Dance Alliance - [events]

10/10 7:00 PM, INPAL from Sicily presents L'Arte Della Danza: Ieri, Oggi e Domani - Dance of Past, Present and Future Chevalier Theatre, 30 Forest St, Medford MA L'Arte Della Danza: Ieri, Oggi e Domani Dance of Past, Present and Future A cultural view of Italian Region Dances by choreographers from the United States and Italy. Reservations: 1-877-840-0457 Website: www. E-mail: jbonomot. Contact: Joanna Bonomo Tickets: $25.00
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