

December 2009

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Jesus and the Rabbis: Two Approaches to Law

Wed 9 Dec, 1-4:30 pm. 7605 Old York Rd, Melrose Park, 19027. Miri Hacohen, (215)635-7300 148, mhacohen@gratz.edu. Gratz College - [events]

December 9, 2009 Professor Chaim Saiman Professor David Skeel 1:00 – 4:30 pm Hosted by Beth Am Israel 1301 Hagys Ford Road, Penn Valley, PA 19072 This seminar will examine two different views of the purpose of law according to Judaism and Christianity. Using both Gospel and rabbinic texts, we will examine how Jesus and the Rabbis sparred over questions we now conceptualize as the central concerns of jurisprudence.

Whereas the rabbis approach theological, ethical and moral issues through an analytical, lawyerly interpretation of a dense network of legal rules, Jesus openly questions whether law is the appropriate medium to structure social relationships and resolve interpersonal conflicts. Controversies between early Christianity and rabbinic Judaism will then be compared to modern debates regarding law vs. equity, procedural vs. substantive justice, rules vs. standards, formalism vs. instrumentalism, and textualism vs. contextualism.

Note our new lower prices!
One (1) ethics and two (2) substantive credits: $100. Register below.
Full day (6 credits) includes breakfast and lunch: $185. For this discounted rate, contact Mindy Blechman: 215-635-7300 x 154

Cost: $100.00
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